Sunday, 7 November 2010


We decided to move Daddy's office out of the main floor den and turn that room into a playroom for the kids. It has been a lot of work and is still in progress but I hope it will help. Gives them somewhere to be that is not to far away (like the basement was) but can stay contained. We are more frustrated with the poor layout of this house every day. Also still waiting to hear back from the prospective employer that talked with the Hubby two weeks ago.... wish they would tell us something... silence is deafening! Feel like the kids and the house have way more control over every day of my life than I do which is depressing. Sigh. I guess this is what I signed up for when I became a mom.... The Boy is sick too, so no Gymboree tomorrow which I think I will miss more than him! And it is just so hard to see your kids sick! Now the Bug and me both have sore throats 'starting' and I really don't want to be sick right now! On a positive note, since the craft room was one of those rearranged, I managed to complete 3 little projects that have been sitting in the drawer today! So many more to do, but it felt good to have a start. Will try to work on more things tomorrow, finding starting with the little jobs (repairs mostly) encouraging but also can't wait to complete a big project and show it off =)

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