Wednesday, 19 January 2011

The Pre-Op Post

Well, there is a LOT on my mind this week. Our Goober turned 4 on Monday which meant 2 parties to plan. We have a 2nd birthday party to go to tonight that I am still making the gifts for and then I have to pack for the hospital. The hospital. Okay, if you've been following along, the Bug is having surgery on her Nevus TOMORROW!!! YIKES! Yes, this is planned surgery but it's still scary. I've been thinking for 3 days what I wanted to say here and so many things came to me. Is my faith strong enough? Can I truly believe without any doubt that God loves us and will protect our baby? Yes. And no. Not that I don't believe it, but unfortunately, I'm still human and humans worry. Humans have a hard time trusting totally something they can't see or touch. I love God. I know He is there. But I have to trust the surgeon. Because we are Christians, does that mean that none of the possible complications will arise? Nope. God sometimes allows things to go wrong. We won't always know why, but he does. I just have to trust that HE 'has our backs' as it were. He gave this amazing young lady to us that just happens to have a REALLY big birthmark that just happens to have some issues in it. But we can handle it. Right? I have asked for prayers at the Bugs school (it's a christian private school), I have asked for prayers at church. I have to trust that enough people will pray and that God will listen and that all will be well. And that if all is not well, more people will pray and God will grant us the peace and strength to deal with that too. Oy. If anything goes wrong I'm not sure I could live with myself for convincing my little Bug that she should do this in the first place.

Now for the surgery details. Her surgery is taking place in a Children's Hospital. With nurses who treat her like she knows what is going on but try to make things as non-scary as possible. I don't know what time yet. I call later today to find that out. When we know the time of surgery all the rest of this stuff will make more sense. She will have to stop eating at midnight tonight. We figure on letting her stay up late so she can have a late snack. She can then have clear fluids up until 4 hours before surgery. Which might mean apple juice for breakfast =) We have to be at the hospital 2 hours before the surgery time. She needs a bath ahead of time and I'm supposed to take her through a video tour on the website but have not had time to sit still the last few weeks! The OR is booked for 2.5 hours for her.... so they are expecting to take a while. They have said it is planned for her to be in hospital 24hours after surgery and a parent can stay overnight with her. Umm, right, and if it weren't allowed I would anyway!
Okay, I think I'm starting to make less sense. Feel free to ask questions.... =)

Saturday, 1 January 2011

A New Year....

Well, it's New Years Day. Sure doesn't feel any different. Turned the page on the calendar before going to bed last night. Took down the Christmas Decorations while watching lame NYE music video shows on time delay..... woke up late to sounds of "mooooom, were hungry!". Did anything change? I don't think so.
So, everyone is supposed to make at least one New Years resolution, right? I think this year I'm going to resolve not to make a resolution. How's that grab ya universe??? Huh? I mean, who is actually keeping us accountable to what we say anyways? Ourselves? I can convince myself not to care pretty easily....

I thought of all the things I WISH I could achieve this year.... but I know myself well enough to know right now it ain't gonna happen, so why bother? But, in case you are looking for inspiration on your own resolution, here is my list of things I would resolve to do if I knew for certain they would be accomplished and with little to no extra effort by me:
~not to yell at my kids. ever. (for those of you that have not had the, er, pleasure of meeting me or my kids, this would require the surgical removal of my voicebox)
~to cook a gourmet, healthy, allergy free, kid appealing meal and have it on the dinner table by 5pm 7 days a week. (this would require a small army of personal chefs and a much larger kitchen)
~not to worry about the surgery the Bug is going through for the next 3-6 months. ya. right. I AM a parent afterall.
~to be a better friend. I might actually try to work on that one....
~to watch TV less and sew more
~to get my Snugs website up and running and actually try to prosper at a home business.
~to spend some time ALONE with my HUSBAND.... this would be easier done if we had family or friends to help us, but we are fairly limited in our options =(
~not to complain about the weather or our house. both make me miserable but can't be changed reasonably.
~RELY on GOD MORE and figure things out for MYSELF LESS.

I'm sure that list could be longer, but I've got kids to chase and a house to clean and laundry to do and....
Have good 2011 everyone, whatever it brings. Don't let fear stop you.... you'll regret it later =)